My Husband by Maud Ventura: A Review

My Husband by Maud Ventura review 5

Her life revolves around him: if he remembers to say he loves her or not, if he sits too far away from her on the couch, or omits her from a story he’s telling by saying “I” instead of “we.” She’ll analyze it all to get to the bottom of the question: does he still love her back?

Jia Tolentino’s Trick Mirror: A Review

My favorite essays were Reality TV and Me, where Jia talks about her time on a reality TV show, bringing us back to reality TV in the early 2000s. Then there was the essay Pure Heroines, where she takes a look at different classic female main character molds from both then and now and what they said/say about a woman’s role.

Tell Them You Love Me: A Review

tell them you love me review 2| Netflix show recommendations

Anna Stubblefield is a woman who went to prison for having a relationship with a disabled man. Huh? Some background. Anna had specialized in disability studies as a professor at Rutgers. The topic interested her because growing up, her mother had worked with disabled people and she was around them a lot. Most severely disabled people have a lot to say, even if they don’t have the ability to express it, she found.

The Act on Hulu: A Review

The act on hulu

The twisted yet somehow *somewhat* loving relationship between the two could be a plot of its own, and come to think of it reminds me of something out of The Bates Motel on Netflix. It’s a story of what happens when one closes in on another’s boundaries so far that the only way the other can differentiate herself is to kill.

Nightbitch Review | A Howl for Moms Everywhere

Nightbitch review

Nightbitch was feminine rage at its finest. We got the buildup, the oh so relatable motherhood emotions on full display: her guilt, worry, her wanting so much to be a good mother and failing in so many areas, the headache of it, her fears, her not wanting to sleep train or put her child in a nursery, her feeling that she’s not worthy because she’s not earning money. The way it shuts her in, in, in until she goes crazy.